
All posts tagged eyes

Eyes for Your Spouse While You’re Dating

Published November 29, 2016 by courtshippers

About a year or so ago, God brought to me a revelation. Basically, it was about how even though you might be dating or engaged to someone, they still aren’t your spouse and your eyes still need to be protected.

At first I wanted to argue. Why can’t J find me attractive? Why can’t I find him attractive? It’s really not about being attracted to one another, but more about lust.

I’m going to be blunt and say that it’s harder to keep your eyes and hearts guarded from lust when you’re in a relationship compared to when you’re not, especially if you’re committed for the long run.

This is an area that J and I have struggled in. We’re so determined on marrying each other that somewhere along the line, we forgot unconsciously that we’re still simply courting and the same boundaries that apply with lust when you’re single still apply now, regardless of how committed you are.

There’s nothing wrong with finding your partner attractive. In fact, physical attraction is what will usually draw you together in the first place. We were made to appreciate the bodies around us and when emotions get involve, that only enhances it.

No, the problem lies with lust. Those nights when  you’re going to sleep and you’re imagining all the stuff you just sooo can’t wait to do until you’re married. You might find yourself thinking more about your girlfriends legs and chest, or your boyfriends six-pack. Pretty soon you’re so focused on the physical and that’s what lust is.

It’s just as wrong to lust after your partner as it is to lust after every other person in the world except your spouse. And your spouse is only your spouse once the vows are shared, the knot’s tied and the names are signed.

This is such a downfall for couples and I can say that the same goes for J and I. We’ve allowed lust into our courtship and because we let it grow while watering it with excuses, we now have a daily struggle to fight it out of the courtship and each other’s minds.

Your eyes belong to no one but your spouse. The same goes for your body. We emphasis the importance of physical purity until marriage, but I think it’s fair to say that mental, emotional and spiritual purity are equally as important.

Choose today to hold a covenant over your body, mind and soul. Choose to keep it for no one but your spouse. They are the only one’s worthy of your gift.



~ C