
All posts tagged worship

Who Do You Worship?

Published November 29, 2016 by courtshippers

Something I struggle really hard to accept is the fact idolization still takes place today and I’ve, sadly, fallen into it a number of times in my life, even when I came a Christian.

I feel like it sneaks up on us and if we don’t actively pray for discernment or get into the Word we don’t realise until it’s to late.

If you’re confused about what idolization is, the best example (and the most convicting) I had explained to me was:

“Whatever you can’t say no to is your idol.”

Well, as soon as I heard that I immediately realised how much I was idolizing other things then God in my life. It covered a whole range of things from food, to exercise, to what I read and watched on TV, to what I listened to, to addictions, etc.

It really showed me that while I had no issue with saying no to God when it came to morning bible study and prayer (something I’m still struggling with today), I was showing Him that everything else was worthy of more.

Perhaps though, one of the biggest areas of idolization I’ve struggled with is in my relationship with J.

Thankfully I can testify that this process has since ended, as has J in regards to me, but it’s breaking my heart to see so many godly couples worshiping one another.

To me, worship is a matter of the heart along with actions. Where your focus lies, the Bible says, there your heart lies as well.

It’s natural that in first couple of weeks and months of being in a relationship you can be utterly smitten and I believe God has made it that way, but when we put someone else, even those we’re dating or married to, before God, that’s when we’ve crossed into dangerous territory. When left unaddressed, the relationship often comes to a sudden halt and the two are thrown out, left battered and bruised and trying to figure out where they went wrong.

Because it can be such a sudden shift, we need to be actively checking our minds and hearts, along with prayer and study of the Word to be sure we catch the sudden change of our priorities.

Please note that it does not make you a horrible person if you struggle with idolization. As we live in a fallen world, our bodies, hearts and minds are pulled every which way and it does take maturity and strength to notice and act swiftly.

My prayer today is that you would all look to your hearts and lives to see what you can’t say no to, and start saying yes to the only One that matters.



~ C



Worshiping Together = Staying Together

Published May 11, 2016 by courtshippers

I remember the first time I got to worship with J. We were at a big Christian Easter event and there were a number of bands playing worship songs. At my old church, worshiping together, even husbands and wives, wasn’t approved of so up until that time, I had never experienced it.

As you could imagine, I was a bit shy. I like personally worshiping God, but knowing I was doing it with someone else made me nervous. For the first few minutes I was worried about how to actually worship together, but then J helped me relax and I enjoyed the rest of it.

The feeling of worshiping together, was amazing. As a Christian couple, we are both individually devoted to worshiping and honouring God, so for the two of us to bring that together and worship as one was incredible. Not only did we bring glory to God, but I believe we reached a whole different level of intimacy we didn’t know was there because of how the world portrays and perceives intimacy.

You don’t have to have sex to feel intimate with your partner. That is a form of intimacy, but as an unmarried couple its definitely a no-no and taken out of God’s eyes, sex can actually be dangerous. In my experience over the last year and a half, what makes me feel closest to J is when we either pray, study the Bible and/or worship. I believe in soul ties, but I also believe that this is the healthiest and most God honouring soul tie to form. It’s beautiful! And I really suggest it.

Time and time again I have pointed out that couples rooted in God are the ones that last. Sure storms come up and try to rip you a part (after all, Satan knows that the key to destroying society is to rip a part Christian relationships), but by rooted in God together, you have a solid foundation. When you rely on your worldly connection to each other to get you through, you actually assist in Satan ripping you a part. That’s because the world is evil and evil will only achieve evil. We can’t have Godly expectations over our partners and ourselves.

Worshiping together is a reminder and an invitation to God to be the center of your relationship, the stronghold within the storm. It’s a reminder to us that regardless of what happens, He will help you through anything. A couple that worships together, stays together.



~ C



The Meaning of Marriage

Published May 8, 2016 by courtshippers

In the world’s eyes, marriage is an opportunity to take what you want without giving back. That’s why divorce rates are so high. They rush into it, thinking that they won’t have to keep up the work they did while they were dating and both parties end up hurt and disappointed when they realise their spouse isn’t who they thought they were. Rather then working it out maturely, many end up having affairs whether physically or emotionally and then somewhere down the line they go their separate ways. Neither wants to admit their faults because in their eyes, it was their spouse who let them down.

You know, I’m so glad that I serve a God of love who convicts me of my selfishness and makes me see how true love is meant to be. It’s the total opposite of what the world offers which is why its so awesome to me. Where the world says heartbreak, God promises fulfillment.

So God is pretty much the opposite of what the world says, therefore this also applies to marriage. The world says its about what you want and what you can get, no hard work, only sunshine and lollipops. On the opposite side, God says its about hard work, dying to yourself and putting your spouses needs before your own. It’s not about happiness, it’s about serving God in the metaphoric way of we are the brides and He is the bridegroom.

It’s not for the faint hearted. That’s why I’m always encouraging people to do as much growing in their single life as they can with God so that they’re better prepared for the vows.

I’m not saying you can’t be happy in your marriage. Most people find that when they make glorifying God the goal of their marriage that the happiness just naturally happens. It’s when you glorify that emotion over God that things become a problem.

This is because our emotions are determined by our surroundings. They’re always changing as times do and they’re hardly ever reliable. However God is our anchor in all things whether those warm sunny days or those raging storms. He never changes which is why we can guarantee a firm foundation for ourselves and our relationships on Him.

In everything, the Bible says to bring glory to God. Our marriages are just another beautiful way we can do that. Ditch what the world says and embrace what God has to say because I can guarantee it’s more fulfilling then most think.



~ C

