
All posts tagged Devotion

Using Time Together

Published November 29, 2016 by courtshippers

I’ll be honest and say sometimes the time J and I have together isn’t always used productively. Sometimes our weekends consist of lying on the bed watching Game of Thrones or video gaming.

While relaxing together isn’t a bad thing, I do believe that when we spend time together with our loved ones, we should try and use it productively and in God honouring ways.

I’ll again be honest and say I wish J and I got into the habit of studying the Bible each time we were together and now because we haven’t, it’s extra hard to even remember to do so. Even praying and worshiping together is something we want to do more, but because we’ve been so unproductive with our time since we first started courting, it’s a hard habit to break.

Why is it important to use your time together wisely?

To help fortify yourselves and your relationship against the attacks of the adversary.

Ever noticed how there’s some married couples who are so unhappy in their marriage and it just so happens they don’t spend much time together? Whether they’re working, out with mates or even just at home on their gadgets, their time is being sown into other areas that shouldn’t be the priority in the situation. Due to them not sowing into the real priority, the marriage weakens and both end up unhappy.

If you’re in a relationship, I seriously suggest getting into the habit of spending meaningful time together that helps you grow closer together and bring God into the center of your relationship even more. If you’re like J and I who have to break habits to do this, don’t give up! In Luke 1:37 it says “For with God, nothing will be impossible.” I don’t know about you guys, but I think God’s desire is for His couples to be more productive with their time together and therefore, He’s going to help you achieve this goal.

If you’re single, do not fear! You can start practicing these healthy habits right now. I’m a big believer that even in marriage life, God is still the main lover in your life. While you’re single, you’re blessed to be able to focus 100% on Him without the distractions of other people. Try going on a date with God. It sounds strange, but many have benefited from this. Go to a coffee shop, grab yourself a coffee and dive into the Word. Ask God questions and let Him answer for you. Build a solid foundation with God now in your single life and then when God does bring you your future spouse, you’ll be able to help implement the same healthy habits in your life.

If you’re married, there’s no time like the now to start something new for your marriage. Odds are if you’re both unhappy, you probably both need to work at your relationship. Lay aside your phones and laptops and have a conversation where you’re both completely focused on one another. Maybe ban all electronics from the bedroom. Maybe go out to dinner once a week. Just make sure you’re spending the time that you need together to fortify each other from the attacks of the enemy.



~ C



Who Do You Worship?

Published November 29, 2016 by courtshippers

Something I struggle really hard to accept is the fact idolization still takes place today and I’ve, sadly, fallen into it a number of times in my life, even when I came a Christian.

I feel like it sneaks up on us and if we don’t actively pray for discernment or get into the Word we don’t realise until it’s to late.

If you’re confused about what idolization is, the best example (and the most convicting) I had explained to me was:

“Whatever you can’t say no to is your idol.”

Well, as soon as I heard that I immediately realised how much I was idolizing other things then God in my life. It covered a whole range of things from food, to exercise, to what I read and watched on TV, to what I listened to, to addictions, etc.

It really showed me that while I had no issue with saying no to God when it came to morning bible study and prayer (something I’m still struggling with today), I was showing Him that everything else was worthy of more.

Perhaps though, one of the biggest areas of idolization I’ve struggled with is in my relationship with J.

Thankfully I can testify that this process has since ended, as has J in regards to me, but it’s breaking my heart to see so many godly couples worshiping one another.

To me, worship is a matter of the heart along with actions. Where your focus lies, the Bible says, there your heart lies as well.

It’s natural that in first couple of weeks and months of being in a relationship you can be utterly smitten and I believe God has made it that way, but when we put someone else, even those we’re dating or married to, before God, that’s when we’ve crossed into dangerous territory. When left unaddressed, the relationship often comes to a sudden halt and the two are thrown out, left battered and bruised and trying to figure out where they went wrong.

Because it can be such a sudden shift, we need to be actively checking our minds and hearts, along with prayer and study of the Word to be sure we catch the sudden change of our priorities.

Please note that it does not make you a horrible person if you struggle with idolization. As we live in a fallen world, our bodies, hearts and minds are pulled every which way and it does take maturity and strength to notice and act swiftly.

My prayer today is that you would all look to your hearts and lives to see what you can’t say no to, and start saying yes to the only One that matters.



~ C



True Devotion

Published January 25, 2016 by courtshippers

I love God!! I’m sure you all do and we should never get tired or ashamed of loving Him. Instead we should declare it from the mountains and everywhere we go.

Today, let’s start by looking up the meaning of the word devotion.

Here’s googles answer:

“Love, loyalty and enthusiasm for a person of thing.”

Doesn’t that summarize our devotion to God perfectly? We love Him! We declare our loyalty to Him and even though it’s hard, we do so with a deep enthusiasm because we want to please Him and bring full glory to Him!

Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

That’s one verse on what the Bible has to say about devotion and this is exactly how we as DEVOTED Christians should live our lives.

Whatever we do, no matter how great or small we think it is, should be done in the name of God and for His glory. When we do what the Lord asks of us, we are showing true devotion and by doing it, we’re also worshiping and giving thanks to God. It’s not just about quoting scripture or singing worship in Church every Sunday. True devotion and worship is actions.

Romans 12:1: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

By sacrificing ourselves each and every day, by nailing our desires and wants at the cross of Calvary, we are being the devoted people we say we are. God cares about our actions more then our words. Knowing that, we should seek each day to do acts of devotions and obedience and this can be done in our everyday life because God gave us scripture so we COULD do it in our every day life.

Here are just some ideas that you can SHOW your devotion to God:

  • Don’t gossip
  • Pray throughout the day
  • Make a continuous effort to read the Word when you can
  • Train your children up in the Word of God
  • Volunteer for an organisation
  • Donate to those in need
  • Instead of fighting and spreading nasty words, instead speak with love
  • Appologise to those you’ve harmed

Really, it’s not as difficult as we try and make it out to be. God wouldn’t ask us to do something if it were impossible. It takes effort, but it’s always worth it for the Lord.



~ C

