Pray FOR Them, Not ABOUT Them

Published November 29, 2016 by courtshippers

There’s a difference between the two, but a difference so many of us fail to make and I believe that comes down to the desires of the flesh.

Just for a second, imagine God with the two of them. Which would He be more pleased with? Hearing you pray over them and for good things in their life, or gossip to God about them?

Guys, God knows what said person has done. He doesn’t need you to complain to Him about it, especially in a time that should be considered Holy.

I’m actually guilty of doing this with J and I think a lot of us in relationships and marriages can make the same mistake. When the one we love the most does something to upset us, we respond in the way most Christians do: praying. Whether we tend to or not however, we pray a prayer of selfishness and bitterness instead of humility and love for our partner.

It’s a mistake, a human mistake, but one that needs to be addressed. The art of prayer can really change our life, but it also depends on the type of prayers we pray.

What change does it make to your heart and life to tell God how to dictate your partner’s life? How does that help your partner? Sure it’s perfectly fine to pray for a changed heart, but that’s putting the duty into God’s hands instead of praying God does such and such.

I love praying for J, but I do have to pray for a heart cleaned of bitterness within myself because what my heart feels can determine the prayers I pray, and I’m sure the same is true for a lot of you.

When you understand this importance difference, you can start to pay attention towards your attitude within prayer and it can also help you mold your prayers into truly altering ones.

I’ve noticed a difference between the prayers I’ve prayed with a bitter heart and a humble heart. The fruits and outworks of these prayers have really helped me to understand on a deeper level the “reap what you sow” concept that, yes, is very relevant within prayer!

I don’t want rotten fruits in my life or the life of those I love and so its my duty to pray humble, holy prayers if I want good, delicious fruits.

The same applies to you!!



~ C


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